Monday 23 July 2012

CBC Activities from 29th of July to 4th August

AGE 2-3

SUNDAY-Coloring. Using crayons, paint it well.
MONDAY-Free drawing. Distribute office paper, thick crayons and
ask the kids to draw Carol from the story.
WEDNESDAY-Coloring. Carol learned with her mom that she should
praise but also obey God.Educator, distribute thick crayons to the kids.

AGE 4-7

SUNDAY-Numbering. Carol learned that should practice what she was
singing to God. Number it correctly.
MONDAY-Game: Attentive ear. Educator, split the class in groups of four
and tell the groups to make lines. The kids should hold the shoulder of the child in the front. Educator, give orders to the groups:
1. Walk slowly.
2. Walk jumping on your right foot.
3. Walk shaking your left hand.
4. Walk without putting your hands on the shoulder.
5. Walk with your right hand on top of your head.
Educator, observe the groups and then end the game saying that, just as all had to listen carefully to the group to comply with the orders, so we should be attentive to the Word of God and obey Him, doing what we promised in our prayers and our praise.
TUESDAY-Coloring. Paint the vowels in yellow and cover the frame in red.
WEDNESDAY-Painting and meditating. Carol attended but she had a bad behavior. Paint the scene. Educator, at the end of the activity ask the kids their opinion about Carol’s attitude.
THURSDAY-Free activity.
FRIDAY-Game: Tic-tac-toe. Educator, this game is like tic-tac-toe. Split the class in five groups. Make questions related to the story and ask each group to choose a symbol. Make questions and the group who answers it right can mark their symbol on the board.
SATURDAY-Activity. Educator, you will need balloons and paper fans. Form
three groups (with the same number of participants). Arrange half of the participants (of each group) in front of the class and the other half in the end of it. Choose a kid from each group; give them a balloon (full) and a fan. The three of them should put the balloon on the floor and move it just with the wind provided by the fan. When the balloon gets closer to the other participants in the end of the class, the kid who was with the fan should give it to another kid that will go back to the front of the class the same way, and so on. Wins the group that change sides first. Conclude by saying: Children, just as you had to make an effort to do the balloon gets to the other kid from your group, so we should make an effort to fulfill what we promised in our prayers and praises.

AGE 8-10

SUNDAY-Comment about… Observe the scene and give your opinion about Carol’s actions.
MONDAY-Game: Paying attention to orders. Educator, split the class in groups of four and tell the groups to make lines. The kids should hold the shoulder of the child in the front. Educator, give orders to the groups:
1. Walk slowly.
2. Walk jumping on your right foot.
3. Walk shaking your left hand.
4. Walk without putting your hands on the shoulder.
5. Walk with your right hand on top of your head.
Educator, observe the groups and then end the game saying that, just as all had to listen carefully to the group to comply with the orders, so we should be attentive to the Word of God and obey Him, doing what we promised in our prayers and our praise.
TUESDAY-Telling the story. Observe the scenes and describe the events of
the story of the week.
WEDNESDAY-Interview. Ask the question to your friend and mark according to
his/her answer.
THURSDAY-Playing with the verse. For this game, you will need a scarf. Make
a circle with the class. You should pick a kid and blindfolding its eyes with the scarf. Ask the kids to spin the circle. The kid who is in the middle should clap hands and the others will stand still. Then the kid who is blindfolded should say the verse of the week and point to someone who is at the circle to say it too. The kid who is in the middle of the circle will try to find out who is the friend it pointed to. If it is right, should hug the friend and this kid switch places with it.
FRIDAY-Free drawing.
SATURDAY-Activity. Educator, you will need balloons and paper fans. Form three groups (with the same number of participants). Arrange half of the participants (of each group) in front of the class and the other half in the end of it. Choose a kid from each group; give them a balloon (full) and a fan. The three of them should put the balloon on the floor and move it just with the wind provided by the fan. When the balloon gets closer to the other participants in the end of the class, the kid who was with the fan should give it to another kid that will go back to the front of the class the same way, and so on. Wins the group that change sides first. Conclude by saying:
Children, just as you had to make an effort to do the balloon gets to the other kid from your group, so we should make an effort to fulfill what we promised in our prayers and praises.

CBC Lesson from 29th of July to 4th of August

Psalms 65.1

Teach children that we should practice what we promised in our prayer and praise.

“Praise is awaiting You, O God…and to You the vow shall be performed.” (Psalms 65.1)


Start by saying the following: Did anyone here promised something to you but
did not keep the promise? (Wait the participation). It is so bad to wait something promised and did not receive it, right? Children, there are several ways of promising something to someone. There are promises just giving your word, there are also documents, proceedings, agreements people sign promising they will comply with what is written on that paper. Today we will teach another way of promising something, but to God. Let’s find out how? Then listen carefully!


EVERY DAY Carol went to . She liked to go there because she met her friends. She did not pay attention to the stories, did not get interested in making prayers; she did not care about the things of God. What she really wanted was to talk with other girls. Carol always saddened her mother with her naughtiness. You see, little friends!
It was no use going to church, if she was not paying attention to the Word of God. At the time of praise, Carol sang loudly, but kept looking and laughing at the other children. One time, Annie, Carol's cousin, was attending a class and saw that her cousin had not a good behavior. When she arrived at Carol’s home, Annie told Mrs. Laura, Carol’s mother, about the attitudes of the girl in the house of God. Mrs. Laura waited for the best moment to speak with her daughter. One day, Mrs. Laura was listening to praises and saw that Carol was happily singing the songs that talked about doing God's will. Carol repeated the words without realizing she was making a vow to God, a promise to Him. Then, Mrs. Laura, said:
- Carol, I’m happy to see that you are praising God, but do not forget that we
should do it with all our hearts. God wants us to praise Him not only with songs, but also with our good actions. Have you been praising Jesus with your actions?
Carol said with a sad voice that was not behaving well, and knew it was displeasing God. The girl's mother also explained that every time she sang a praise, should think very well what she was singing, because when singing she was committing to God through praise. That day, the girl learned a great lesson and said she would watch over her actions; she would obey and no longer would mess in the house of God.


Friends, Carol understood how important is to God that, besides singing, the
person practice what is singing. This example reminds me a verse from the book of Psalms that says: “Praise is awaiting You, O God…and to You the vow shall be performed.” You see? We should praise the Lord Jesus and practice what we promised while we sing. So, how about from now on we always meditate on what we are singing to our God? Amen!
Educator, take to the class a radio and a gospel CD (for kids). Start the fun chat saying to the class: Kids, who here wants to play? (Wait their participation). Then all stand up in silence. The game is: you will do everything I say and do, ok? You should be alert and imitate me.


Educator, start the game giving some orders to the kids. Say, for example:
Everybody, put your hands on your heart, put your hands on your head, put your hands on your nose. Educator, instead of putting your hands on your nose, put them on your eyes, that is, you should give an order but will do something else; observe their reaction and participation. The kids will certainly notice the mistakes between your orders and your actions. Then conclude by saying: Did you realize that I am saying one thing and doing another? (Wait their participation). It confused you when imitating me, right? Did you know that many people act exactly like this in the presence of God? Many of them pray, sing, praise God with beautiful words, promising so many things but later they do not do anything of what was said; they say one thing
and do another, just like this game. Children, we should be honest to God and obey Him with all our hearts, amen?
Who, from today on, will be more careful and will sing praises to God but also
obey Him? Very well!

TF Teen UK invited to Bp Macedo's meeting‏

Dear TF Leaders,

It is with great excitement that I advise you of the following,

As you are all aware we will have the priviledge of having Bp Macedo visiting us in London, where he will hold a special meeting in finsbury park at 9:30am,

We therefore would like to invite for the TF Teen UK to unite together to make part of this special meeting

all the teens are invited to come wearing a plain black t-shirt on the day, we will all sit together on the far right hand section of the auditorium, towards the front,

Please be advised that we will need the assistance of all TF leaders and all TF A's in assuring that the day will be organised,

I would therefore kindly ask that you already announce to all your teens and request a confirmation of how many teens will come on the day, (we also advise that you prepare yourselves and your teens to come as early as possible as seats will begin to fill up very early)

**It is important that you note that the respnsibility of the teens travelling to and from finsbury park will be the parents responsibilities and the TF leaders and TF A's will only supervise them during the service**

Please reply back confirming receipt of this email,

Deadline for the confirmation of attendance to the meeting (of TF leaders, TF A's and teens) will need to be sent by friday 27th July.

Thankyou for your attention & assistance regarding the above,

Do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further clarification.

Kind regards

Marie Motondo

CBC & TF Israel Special Prayer Requests‏

Dear CBC&TF Coordinators,Supervisors,TF           Advisers and Biblical Educator,

How important is it for your children to have their prayers answered from God? But how can they have their answer if they never ask?

Yet still there are some kids and teens who are blessed, but don’t remember that they prayed for that answer or don’t recognise at all that is was from God Himself that blessed them, they think it was a natural victory by the strength of their parents, themselves or other circumstances.

The only way they can learn to see God behind all their prayer requests is if we teach them, if we educate them to use their spiritual eyes to see God behind all the good things that they pray for and see signs and answers from those prayers. But not only this, to make it a habit of sharing this with all the other children from our Biblical Centre (CBC).

They are the star of Abraham! and when they share their story with others, what they have prayed for and received from God their answer, their light becomes brighter and they are able to shine so much more that it inspires other kids to also want to shine and become closer to the light that is our Jesus!

When they share their testimony in the CBC other kids will also be encouraged to pray with faith as they prayed, and they will also be blessed.

Ask them. Who likes it when they see other kids happy?  Meeeee you may say… I love to see everyone being happy! And a good way to seeing people happy is when I share my answers from my prayers and the good thing God is doing for me, when I use my faith.

What is faith?

Right now we will use our faith! See this piece of paper? Write something very special on it to God that you want, but something that no money can buy, that no one can do for you. Ask them to give some examples, let them participate.

Yes request a miracle that only God Himself can do for you!

So all of us, even myself will make a special request to God that will be taken to the Holy Land “Israel” and it will be prayed on in several places by someone special, she will make several prayers for all of us in several different places. Where Jesus has been before, where He prayed, lived, made miracles and died, but became alive again!!!

We will be here in faith and wherever she takes our prayer request we will believe that God will hear her prayers

Let’s take action now and write our prayer request to God. No…. Not all of us. Only you who say B.E when I am answered from this request I promise to share the wonderful news of what God has done for me! So then yes go ahead.

Let us all make our prayer request also for our CBC & TF Teen here in the UK in order that we accomplish our goals, conquer, value and respect, starting from the inside out, with faith also with hard work & sacrifice.

All request can be handed to your CBC Supervisor  in order to hand them all to Mrs. Graziela by next week Thursday.

The special places where we will be visiting & taking the request to, & where we will be praying for the requests are the following:

Jordan river - where our Lord Jesus was baptised 

*Capernaum-where our Lord Jesus lived and performed most of His miracles

*Tabgha where our Lord multiplied the bread and the fish

* Mount of beatitudes

*Gideons spring

*Mount tabor where a special Cry Out will be directed for all the TF Teens in the UK (the mount of transfiguration) for the complete TransFormation of their minds!

* Tiberias/Jordan valley - passing by jericho

* Mount of olives *Garden of Gethsemane An specific prayer for the CBC UK Head Leader here will be made so God can always give her the strength for the sacrifices that needs to be made for this work's growth.*Pool of siloam - where our Lord healed a man who was blind from birth*Mount Zion- where the last supper took place* King Davids tomb. A special prayer here will be made for all Bublical Educators and TF Advisers in order that God choose and consecrate them for this wonderful work that is to build God's Character in the future of the Church.*I will walk through via Dolorosa - the path of our Lord's Crucifixionn

*Golgotha's gardens - where our Lord was buried - and the empty tomb- The special prayer for the CBC in general kids, parents and the whole work to be glorious in the same way Jesus Resurrection caused such a great impact in the humanity that in the same way the CBC have the same great impact to build life's and glorify with  glorious testimonies in the life's of all those who are part of it!

*valley of Ayolon- where Joshua overcame the five kings. And here an specific prayer for all future head of tribes, secretaries, CBC & TF leadership , Pas & all CBC leaders to have  same Spirit of Joshua fighting the fight of the Lord the Spiritual fight, and not to kill the Spirit with laws, but have Spiritual understanding in all, to fight the good fight! 

Kind regards, 

In faith.

Graziela Lima

Thursday 19 July 2012

CBC Activities from 22nd to 28th of July

AGE 2-3

SUNDAY-Cutting. Peter liked to sing to God. Cut the guitar and glue on his hands. Educator, cut out with blunt scissors and give the kids to glue on Peter’s hands.

MONDAY-Singing time. Educator, take to the class a radio and a gospel CD (for children). Make a circle with the kids and start by saying the following: Today we learn that we can make a prayer of our praise, of a song we sing. How nice talking to God while we sing. And now we all will sing joyfully to Him. Who wants to sing? (Educator, put the CD on and invite a kid to dance and sing, interact with it and then give the opportunity for others to do the same). Play with them until they lose interest.

WEDNESDAY-Decorating the drawing. We should make a prayer of our praise. Paint and glue little crepe paper balls on the frame. Educator, distribute crayons and pieces of colored crepe paper.

AGE 4-7

SUNDAY-Completing the drawing. We should make a prayer of praising. Draw the trophy on Peter’s hands.

MONDAY-Game of dice. Take a dice to the class. Write several questions referring to the story and the verse of the week on a paper (at least 12 questions). Number the questions 1 to 6. In case you have more than 6, number it again from 1 to 6. Split the class in two groups and ask to one kid from each group to roll the dice. The group should answer according to the number on the dice. If the other group rolls the dice and it is the same number, then the group should answer another question referring that number.
Suggestion of questions (you can elaborate others, as long as they are related to the story):
1. Why is it important to praise God?
2. What is the name of today’s story?
3. Which were the boy’s favorite subjects?
4. What did Peter like to do?
5. Peter won a contest with a song talking about whom?
6. What did Roxanne teach to Peter?

TUESDAY-Cover and discover. We should make our prayer of praise. Cover and discover what Levi, from Team of Faith, is singing.

WEDNESDAY-Circulate. Peter liked to praise God. Paint the scene and circulate his musical instruments.

THURSDAY-Remembering the lesson. Take to the class a ball (light), arrange the class in circle and put the kids seated. Begin the game recounting the story and, at some point, pass the ball to one of the kids. The kid who receives the ball should continue the story, and so on. Educator, start by saying: Peter was a boy who was constantly writing beautiful songs…Educator, help the kids who are shy or forget part of the story.

FRIDAY-Free drawing.

SATURDAY-Singing time. Educator, write in pieces of paper words common words on songs sang inside the church and like love, father, God, Jesus, blessings, miracle, family, friend, heart, etc. Put the papers inside balloons (prepare everything before the kids arrive). Arrange the class in circle; give a balloon to one kid. Put a CD on. Meanwhile, the balloon should pass among the kids. Suddenly stop the music and, at this moment, whoever is holding the balloon should pop it, read the word written on the paper (help the illiterate) and sing a gospel song with that word. Ask the class to sing along. Continue until you run out of balloons.

AGE 8-10

SUNDAY-Which is the right shadow? We should make of our praise a prayer. Paint and circulate the right shadow.
MONDAY-Praising God. Educator, write in pieces of paper words common words on songs sang inside the church and like love, father, God, Jesus, blessings, miracle, family, friend, heart, etc. Put the papers inside a wrapped shoe box.
Arrange the class in circle; give the box to one kid. Put a CD on. Meanwhile, the box should pass among the kids. Suddenly stop the music and, at this moment, whoever is holding the box should get a paper, read the word written on it (help the illiterate) and sing a gospel song with that word. Ask the class to sing along. Continue until you run out of papers.

TUESDAY-Be smart. The drawings below seem to be the same. However, if you are smart, you will see that one of them is different. Discover and paint it.

WEDNESDAY-Time of Mathematics. Scratch the letters referring the odd numbers and discover the message.

THURSDAY-Composing. Split the class in trios and distribute office paper; ask to each trio create a praise (a little chorus) to God. After making the task, choose some trios to perform singing the praise; it can be any rhythm.

FRIDAY-Drawing the verse. Write the verse of the week on the board or cardboard. Read it to the class and ask them what they understood. Then explain the verse. Distribute office paper and ask them to draw something related to the verse.

SATURDAY-Pass it over. Take to the class two balls. Split the class in two groups, forming two single files. Stick on the balls (with masking tape) questions related to the lesson. Give a ball to the kid of each line. They should pass it under their opened legs to the last kid of the line who will quickly get a question, answer it, run to the front of the line, pass the ball again and so on. The group that can pass the entire line to the front first
wins. Suggestions of questions (You can make more questions once they are related to the story):
1. Why is it important to praise God?
2. What is the name of the character of today’s story?
3. Which were the boy’s favorite subjects?
4. What did Peter like to do?
5. Peter won a contest with a song talking about whom?
6. What did Roxanne teach to Peter?

CBC Lesson from 22nd to 28th of July

Psalms 147.1

Teach children that we should sing beautiful songs to God, making a prayer of praise.

“Praise the LORD…how pleasant and fitting to praise him!” (Psalms 147.1)

Start this moment by saying: Who here likes to sing? Does anyone here wants to be a singer when you grow up? (Wait their participation). It’s really good to sing beautiful songs, isn’t it? Did you know that through a song of praise we can get closer to a very special person? Let’s know who am I talking about? Then be quiet, I’m about to tell!

LITTLE FRIENDS, Peter was a boy who was constantly writing beautiful songs.
He used to write about the love he had for his parents, about the things God created and about the love of Jesus for the people. Did anyone here write a song? (Wait their participation).
The boy was a good student but the classes he liked the most were English and Music. He did not miss one because he wanted to learn about song lyrics, about the musical notes, etc. Besides the class in school, twice a week he had guitar and keyboard lessons at a course near his home.
One day, a music contest took place at Peter’s school. The students who wished to participate should choose a theme and write a song which could be any rhythm.
Soon he knew about it, Peter made a registration and wrote a beautiful song that talked about his special friend. Do you know who this friend was? (Wait their participation). God was the friend he was talking about in the song.
The rhythm and the beautiful lyrics pleased everyone who was at the event and all judges voted on Peter’s song. The boy won the trophy easily. But what most pleased the boy was that, while he was singing, he was praising his God. He used to say to everybody that we would be a man of God and through his songs he would lead many people to the house of God.
One day, a colleague from school called Roxanne, taught Peter an important thing. She explained that it is possible to make a prayer through praise and she said that, when a person sings with all its heart, with joy, thinking in every word it is saying to God, then He listens from heaven satisfied, and get pleased of that praise.
What a wonderful discovery Peter had that day. He already enjoyed writing and singing to God, and now, knowing that this could be a prayer, a conversation with his Father in Heaven, made him even more enjoyed. And every day grew more and more in the boy's heart the desire to praise God.

God is good and takes care of each one of us, for He is our father and great friend, and He deserves our perfect praise. Little friends, today we learned how important is to sing to Him and make of praising a moment of pray. The Bible teaches us: “Praise the LORD…how pleasant and fitting to praise him!” So, let’s praise Him every day, amen?

Educator, start this fun chat by saying: Children, the song is present in our day to day. Wherever we go we hear all kinds of songs. Who here can give me an example of where we can find it? (Wait their participation). We find it in cartoons, radios, and websites. There are also songs in TV ads, when you announce a product with a song.
In times of political campaign it is common we hear jingles disclosing the numbers of the politicians. Have you noticed that, even in sports, especially football, organized fan clubs sing to their clubs? Class, with this we understand that several messages are transmitted through songs, that’s why we should watch over what we hear and sing.
When we are singing to God, we should transmit to him what is within us, making the time to praise a moment of prayer. Peter, the boy of today’s story, got involved with the things of God and liked to praise Him and this made of him a very blessed boy.
Who here wants to do the will of God as the character of today? So stand up and put your hands on your heart that I will pray for you. Educator, say a prayer asking God everyone to do His will and get involved with Him every day. After the prayer, ask the kids to sit down and ask the following questions:
1. Who here likes to praise God? Is it important to praise? Why?
2. What do you think of Peter’s behavior?
3. Do you think there are songs that can approach or depart us from God? Explain.
4. In your opinion, how should God feel about Peter?
Educator, let the children express themselves and give an opportunity to those who wish to speak. However, control the time not to skip other steps of your class.

Monday 9 July 2012

CBC Activities from 15th to 21st of July


AGE 2-3
SUNDAY-Time of painting. Nanda was not ashamed of telling the miracle God has made in her family. Educator, give thick crayons for the kids to paint.
MONDAY-Free drawing. Distribute office paper, thick crayons and ask the kids to draw Nanda from the story.
WEDNESDAY-Painting with cotton swabs. Using cotton swabs, paint Nanda’s hair. Educator, use gouache for this activity.

AGE 4-7
SUNDAY-Mark with an X. Paint the scenes and mark with an X the one where Nanda is giving her testimony.
MONDAY-Research of faith. Educator, you will need office paper, pencil, colored pencil, glue, blunt scissors and magazines. Start by saying: Family problems did Nanda a very sad girl. However, when she learned to trust God, everything changed in her life and she became happy. Kids, now you will draw what you wish to receive from God, you can paint, decorate, glue cuttings (magazines) on your drawing and, in the end, let’s pray together showing God the miracle we need and when we receive this blessing, we will tell everyone. Educator, distribute the material to the class and when the kids finish it, make a prayer.
TUESDAY-Coloring and meditating on the verse. We learned today that we should give testimony of what God did in our lives.
WEDNESDAY-Paint before and after. Nanda became a happy girl with the miracles of God in her family.
THURSDAY-Setting up the verse. Write the verse on a cardboard, cut it in pieces separating the words. Fix a word under each desk. The kids should find the words and set up the verse on the table. In case the class is too big, make the same verse in two more colored card boards in different colors. The kids should find the words, get together and set up the verse according to the color. In the end of the activity, explain and memorize the verse with them.
FRIDAY-Drawing the story. Educator, distribute office paper and ask the kids to draw Nanda and her family, happy in the house of God.
SATURDAY-Playing and remembering. Educator, for this moment you will need a ball. Ask the class to stand up (in circle) and say: Today we heard about Nanda, a girl who received a miracle from God in her life. Nanda was ashamed of praising God with her testimony, that is, to tell her friends of the what had happened. However, Camilla taught that everyone should tell the miracles God does. Now you should say the name of a person from the Bible who received a miracle. Start the game throwing the ball to a kid, then it will say the name of someone in the Bible who received a miracle and will throw the ball to another kid who will say the name of another person, and so on. Those who does not know or repeat a name should sit down. The child that remains till the end wins the game.

AGE 8-10
SUNDAY-Word search. Search in the table the following words.
MONDAY-Musical chairs. Educator, make the musical chairs game. The kid who did not sit on the chair when the music stops should answer a question. Referring to the story. If it misses or did not know the answer, should leave the game. Suggestion of questions (you can make others but always related to the story):
1. What did you learn from today’s story?
2. Why should we give testimony of the miracle?
3. What’s the name of the two characters of today’s story?
4. Which were the problems that the girl was passing through?
5. What happened with the girl’s father?
6. Nanda learned a very important lesson. What did she learn?
7. What the children did when they heard Nanda’s testimony?
TUESDAY-Different puzzle. Nanda became a happy girl with God’s miracles. Paint, cut and glue it correctly.
WEDNESDAY-Exercising. 1) Change the numbers for letters and discover the message. 2) Write the complete message. 3) Write a sentence with the word PRAISE.
THURSDAY-Game: Who am I? Educator, write in pieces of paper some miracles and its biblical references, for example: I passed through the Red Sea (Moses - Exodus 14.21-22); I prayed and fire came down from the sky (Elisha - I Kings 18.38); I beat a giant (David - I Samuel 17.49-50); I overcame an enemy army without fighting (Gideon - Judges 7.20-21); I obeyed the Word of Jesus and made a wonderful fishing (Peter - Luke 5.1-11). Educator, create other sentences and put the papers inside a wrapped shoe box (prepare everything before the kids enter the class). Take also to the class a ball, a radio and a gospel CD (for kids).
Start this activity asking the class to stand up (in circle) and say:
Today we heard the story of Nanda, a girl who received the miracle from God in her life. Nanda was ashamed of praising God with her testimony, that is, telling to all her friends what had happened. However, Camilla taught that everyone should tell the miracles God comply. Now I am going to read to you some miracles that happened in biblical times and you should tell me who am I talking about, ok? Start the game, put the CD on and ask the kids to pass the ball, suddenly stop the music, the kid who is holding the box should take a paper from the box and say the name of the character referring the situation described. Those who do not know will seat down. Win the game who stands till the end.
FRIDAY-Drawing the end of the story. Educator, distribute office paper and ask the kids to draw Nanda and her family, happy in the house of God.
SATURDAY-Setting up the verse. Write the verse in a cardboard, cut it in pieces separating the words. Fix a word under each desk. The kids should find the words and set up the verse on the table. In case the class is too big, make the same verse in two more card boards in different colors. The kids should find the words, get together and set up the verse according the color. At the end of the activity, explain and memorize the verse with them.

CBC Lesson from 15th to 21st of July

Psalms 96.3

Teach children that we should give testimony of what God has done in our lives.

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” (Psalms 96.3)

Start this moment by saying the following: Children, there are several ways to praise God. We can praise Him with songs that exalt His name, and when we tell others what God has done in our lives, that is, giving testimony of the miracle. In today’s story we will talk about a girl who was ashamed of telling the miracle God performed in her life. Do you want to know how it happened? (Wait their participation). So listen carefully.

ONCE UPON a time there was an educator called Camilla. She taught the children with great affection, prayed for them and was teaching with all her heart. Camilla always watched the behavior of the kids inside her class, she knew them all. Once, a little girl first arrived in . Nanda had long blond hair; her eyes were blue as the sky. The girl was very beautiful but Camilla noticed sadness in her eyes, it made her call the new student to talk.
Talking to Nanda, Camilla learned that there were problems in the girl's family because her parents were fighting and were living through many financial problems. Nanda’s mother was nervous and she had decided going to church to seek a miracle. Camilla taught the girl to trust God and pray with faith, telling Him all her problems. She heard and did everything the way she learned. A few days later, Nanda got to and everyone realized her change; however, she did not tell anyone the reason of her happiness. Until Camilla called her to a new talk and asked her what was the reason of that joy. And Nanda answered:
- My father gave his life to Jesus and he does not fight with my mother anymore. Besides, we are no longer in need.
Then, Camilla asked her why she did not tell that miracle to the class. And Nanda answered she was ashamed. Camilla explained saying that she should not be ashamed of talking about what God has done. Listening to those words, Nanda went to the front of the class and said to all of them the blessing she had received. The class rejoiced, clapped their hands to God and Camilla said:
- We glorify and praise God when we give our testimony. Just as you were happy listening Nanda’s testimony, so God also rejoices when we tell His deeds. And all the class of Camilla learned about the importance of telling miracles.

Little friends, there is a verse in the book of Psalms that says: “Declare his glory…” We talk about the glory of God when we tell what He performed in us, about the miracles we received. By doing so, we are telling “…his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” So, if you were blessed tell everyone, amen?

Write the verse of the week on the board before starting the class. In case you do not have a board, write parts of it on papers and stick it on the table (in a way they can read it), do not forget to write the biblical reference. Take to the class UCKG publications (or gospel magazines). Open it where you can find testimonies, put it on the table and then show to the class and say: Do you see these magazines? We always find inside it testimonies about the miracles that God has been performing.
These people, including children, are telling the blessings they received. Do you know what is the other mode of communication where people give their testimonies? (Wait their participation). Many people have given their statements on television, radio and internet through IURD TV. In this case, these ways of communication are important because, through it, people talk about their experiences with God and, those who are suffering, when they read it, hear it or watch the testimonies; they also feel like seeking God. That’s why, friends, every time the Lord Jesus performs a miracle in your life, just tell everyone what He did, amen?
Educator, ask if there is any kid who has a testimony to tell, listen to it and ask the class to listen carefully what their colleague is telling. When the child finishes telling it, clap your hands and ask the class to also clap the name of Jesus. Then memorize the verse of the week as follows:
1. Read the verse of the week (which you had written on the board or paper).
Explain the hard words and the meaning of it.
2. Ask them to close their eyes, then erase (if it is written on the board) some words of the verse; if it is written on paper, then remove one. Ask them to read the complete verse (they will say there is a part missing). Tell them to read it anyway. Then, ask them to close their eyes again and erase or remove other words.
3. Continue doing so until there are no other parts of the verse left and then ask the class to repeat even having nothing to read. End this moment with a prayer.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

CBC in the Faith of Abraham - Activities


Choose words below to complete the sentences, according to the story that we eared.

Obedience         Promise         God         Faithful         Moriah         Father                              Isaac      Son       Will       Abraham

1- God called __________ and told him that he’ll be a father of a great nation.

2- __________________________ can make great things happen in our lives.

3- God is __________________________ to His promises and He’ll never fail!

4-God fulfill His promises because He is faithful and because of our _________.

5- Abraham named is son __________________________________________.

6- God asked Abraham his only______________________________________.

7- Abraham didn’t forget that God made him a _________________________.

8-Abraham took his son to sacrifice on Mount called______________________.

9-We have to make an effort to make the ________________________ of God.

10-God made Abraham ______________________________ of a great nation.

Color the picture. Then look at the picture and write about this part of the story, don’t forget to use the words: faith, obedience and sacrifice.


Put this words in the right order and write them on the stones of the Altar (picture below) and also use them to answer the questions below.

o – d – G
a – f – t – h –i
r – a – a – t – l
c – s – a – a – I
a – A – a – b – h – r – m
e– i – c – s – a – c – i – i – f – r

1. Abraham had a great ______________________.
2. Who said to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
3. Where did Abraham do the sacrifice?
4. Who was the sacrifice?
5. Who is called Father of Faith?
6. God wanted a perfect ________________ of faith.

Answer this questions and check if you are an expert and them check your points.

1. How old was Abraham when Isaac born?
______________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

2. What is the name of Abraham’s son?
______________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

3. How did God test Abraham?
______________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

 4. What did Abraham say to Isaac when he asked for the lamb?
______________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

 5. What is the name of the mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice?
______________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

6. What happened when Abraham stretched out his hand to sacrifice his son?
_______________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

 7. Where was the lamb for the sacrifice?
 _______________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

8. What did God say after the sacrifice?
________________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

 9. What do we have to do to make the will of God?
________________________________________________________ ( 1 point)

10. What did Abraham become after the sacrifice?
________________________________________________________ ( 1 point) 

                                                                  TOTAL OF POINTS:


Abraham was the first one using his faith, listening to the voice of God and do exactly what He asked.
Paint the picture below that shows Abraham’s obedience and write a sentence about it on the lines below.


Form sentences with the words written in the stars.

Write this words on the stars: OBEDIENCE, SACRIFICE, FAITH, PROMISE, FATHER


CBC in the faith of Abraham - supplementary lesson

Supplementary Material for the Campaign of Israel    
Genesis 22, 1-19

Teach the children and make them understand that obedience is the right attitude to be close to God.

“And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”(1 John 5, 14)

    Educator, start this lesson by reminding the children about the last lesson: “Kids, do you remember the last story? It was about the faith of Abraham. A man who is a role model for all of us because of his great faith. He heard the voice of God making him a promise, and he obeyed. On today’s story, you are going to learn about the fulfilling of the great promise that God said to Abraham, also a request made by Him, and once again … he obeyed. Listen carefully!  
Once, God called Abraham and told him that he was going to be a father. Abraham was already seventy years old, how could it be if he and his wife were already old? Abraham’s wife, Sara, found it very funny and laughed. Kids, God has the power to make an old woman have children, because He is the Almighty God! The same way He can make great things happen in our lives. When Abraham was a hundred years and his wife was ninety, Sara got pregnant! God is faithful in His promises and always fulfills them! All of that happened because of Abraham obedience.   
Abraham named his son Isaac. After a few years, God asked Abraham to offer a sacrifice for Him. Kids, a long time ago, before Jesus died on the cross for us, people used to offer animals to God on the altar. But this time He was asking Abraham something that He never asked him before. He was asking for Abraham’s only son! And do you know what? Abraham obeyed and trusted God, and do you know why? Because his only desire was to do the will of God. We should also have the same desire.
We have to make an effort to do the will of God, always do His will.
 Abraham took his son to the place where God determined, Mount Moriah. Isaac helped his dad to cut the firewood for the sacrifice and he climbed the mount with him.
Arriving there Isaac asked Abraham, “Daddy, we have the firewood, the cutlass, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” Abraham answered, “God will provide the lamb my son.” How great was the faith of Abraham in God, kids? We also should keep all of our faith in God, making an effort to please Him.
Abraham prepared an altar and placed Isaac on it. When he raised the cutlass to sacrifice his son, then, the angel of God appeared and said: “Abraham! Abraham, don’t touch him. Now God knows that you really love Him, because you didn’t deny your only child.”
Kids, when Abraham looked behind, he saw a lamb stuck with his own horns in a tree. God had provided everything! Abraham sacrificed the lamb and returned home with his son Isaac.

You know kids, we need to prove to God that we are obedient to Him. We should love God more than anything else; trust Him in all situations, even if it looks very difficult, even if we have to make a big effort to do so. He is always close to us and he’s faithful. Today, we have the opportunity to show God our obedience through our attitudes of faith. In this Campaign, show to God all your effort and ask Him to help you do His will. You know why? If we do the will of God we’ll have the best for our lives, because His will is good, perfect and pleasant. Is there anything better than this?
If we obey Him, our God will fulfill His promises in our lives, as He did to Abraham.

Biblical Educator, prepare in advance some stars, cut them out and write the names of each child in the class on the stars. Give each star to the child with their name on it. Then ask them to write their request on the star, and our request in this campaign will be: ‘God help me to do your will, as Abraham did.’ With the little ones you can write it down for them. The children should bring the star every day to church until the end of the campaign. On the day of the campaign, they should bring the star with their best.

Children Biblical Centre presents...

Children Biblical Centre presents...

CBC Knocking Down the Walls of Jericho